Institute of Applied Social Sciences | Warsaw University | 69 Nowy Świat St., 00-046 Warsaw 

Polish Version English version

Sociologist, Assistant Professor in ISNS UW (OBM)

Fields of interest:
Social change, life course, job & career issues, sociology of youth, youth information & participation, research methodology, cultural anthropology.

Lectures and Curses:
Theory of Culture and the World of Everyday Life; Selected Problems of Physical Anthropology; Ideas of "the Other" in Sociology and Anthropology; Sociology of Youth; Contemporary Anthropological Theories; Contemporary Polish Society - Sociological Perspective;

Major recent publications:
1. with B. Fatyga, I. Oliwińska and P. Zieliński, Two Truths about Polish Youth Activity, a research report - MENiS, Warsaw 2005.
2. with E. Giermanowska, Polish part of report: Human Resources in Research & Development: Monitoring System on Career Paths and Mobility Flows, European Commission, Brussels 2005.
3. Entering the Adulthood Under the Social Change - IS UW, Warsaw 2002.
4. Job career paths of 40+ aged. in: M. Marody (eds.) Between market and regular post. Social negotiations of reality, Scholar, Warsaw 2000.
5. Initiation as the element of obligatory military service, MON, Warsaw 1998.

Participation in research projects (since 2000):
Participation in several research projects on Polish youth;
Member of MOMO project team (studies on research & development personnel mobility in Europe);
Member of University to Work Transition Monitoring project team.

Additional info:
Expert appointed to the Department of Youth & Non-formal Education (Ministry of Education and Science);
National correspondent of European Knowledge Centre for Youth Policy;
Member of Youth Knowledge Experts board (Council of Europe);
Member of EUNYK (European Network of Youth Knowledge (European Commission).


Project and design: Albert Hupa